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Green Fodder in HYDROPONICS Production

Green fodder feeding to livestock ensures optimization of productivity.

Though India is the top producer of milk in the world insufficient livestock

feed, fodder is one of the constraints affecting growth, health, production and

reproduction potential of livestock.

  • In India only 4.9 % of cropped land area is utilized for cultivating fodder.

  • India faces a deficit of 35.6% green fodder, 26% of dry fodder and 41% of concentrate feed ingredients.

A novel method called ‘Hydroponics’ which means growing plants without soil by using nutrient water at desired temperature and humidity.

  • Through hydroponics it is easier and quick to produce nutritive green fodder.

  • Maize, Ragi, Bajra, Cowpea, Horse gram, Sun hemp, Jowar and Foxtail millet seeds are found to be suitable to grow by hydroponic method.

  • Leguminous crops grow well and is encouraging as fodder owing to its high crude protein content, than cereal crops. The hydroponic fodder was fed to small and large ruminants and pigs and found to be highly palatable with no wastage.

As the gap between the demand and supply of the green fodder for livestock becoming unconquerable, researchers and farmers are in search for an alternative fodder or fodder production method, that would restore fodder and livestock production.

Hydroponics is the state-of-the-art technology that has revolutionized the green fodder production in the 21st century.

  • Hydroponics is a method of growing green fodder without soil in an environmentally controlled houses or machines.

  • Many of the livestock farmers are switching to hydroponic fodder production from conventional production methods, as the fodder produced by this method are highly nutritious, provide sustainable fodder production round the year and conserve water.

Current status of green fodder production in the country:

What is a Hydroponics?

The word hydroponics has been derived from the Greek word ‘water working’. Hydro means ‘water’ and ponic means ‘working’ and it is a technology of growing plants without soil, but in water or nutrient rich solution for a short duration in an environmentally controlled houses or machine.

What is Fodder?

“Fodder” refers particularly to food given to the animals (including plants cut and carried to them), rather than that which they forage for themselves in pasture and grazing land. It includes hay, straw, silage, compressed and pelleted feeds, oils and mixed rations, and also sprouted grains and legumes.

Why? / What is Hydroponics Fodder?

Fodder grown using hydroponics technology.

WHY? -

  1. Saves water -Consumes 98% less water than conventional method and the used water is recycled.

  2. Marginal land usage - Up to 1000 kg green fodder can be produced from 480 square feet area daily which is equivalent to conventional fodder (Co4) produced in 25 acres of cultivable land. Use 99% less land than conventional production method.

  3. Reduced growth time - Takes only 8 days duration to develop from seed to fodder while it took 45 days for a conventional fodder to grow. Enhanced nutritive value – as the fodder contains the seed along with the fodder, it has higher crude protein content than conventional green fodder.

  4. Constant supply - Fodder can be produced round the year irrespective of the failure of monsoon, land availability, natural calamities, labor shortage. Promotes sustainable agriculture and livestock production.

  5. Low man-power -Only 2 -3 hours of work daily, doesn’t involve technical work. Farmer can do the work without difficulty.

  6. Natural and organic production -No need of chemicals and pesticides to use.

  7. Lower input cost-As the fodder contains more crude protein that conventional fodder it reduces the feed cost spent on the concentrate feed to half.

  8. Optimal production cost-Production cost is optimal when compared to conventional fodder production. Cost of production is 2.50 INR / kg of hydroponic maize fodder. Hydroponic machine (1000 kg capacity) consumes only 40 units of current per day.

  9. Nutritious Fodder-Hydroponic fodder along with seed and root (sprout mat) are highly edible and are rich in protein (10 – 17%). Ideal nutrients enriched fodder for livestock.

  10. Minimum Usage equipment -Reduce the need for equipment and fuel used to plant, grow, harvest, transport, and store feed.


  • 480 square feet area for production of 1000 kg of green fodder daily.

  • Hydroponic machine.

  • Uninterrupted power supply.

  • Clean water.

  • Seeds with good germination capacity.

  • Good sanitation.

  • Two labors.


How to Produce?

  1. Soaking of seeds in water (20 hours).

  2. Sprouting of seeds (24 hours).

  3. Traying.

  4. Racking in the machine.

  5. Shifting of trays to next level daily.

  6. Fully grown fodder on 8th day.

Various fodder Nutritional Composition in Hydroponics:

Seed: Fodder production ratio(kgs):

Enhancement of livestock productivity:

Young ones -

  • Faster weight gain.

  • Good carcass quality.

  • Lower feed cost per kg of weight gain.

  • Improved health with low veterinary cost.


  • Increased fertility – large litters.

  • Low feed cost.

  • High conception rate.

Lactating Animals-

  • Heavier, longer lactations.

  • High milk yield.

  • High fat percentage.

  • Low feed costs.

  • Increase in milk revenue.

  • Increased fertility – fewer replacements.

  • Improved herd health & longevity.

  • Reduced culls.


  • Faster weight gain.

  • Good carcass quality.

  • Lower feed cost per kg of weight gain.

  • Improved heath, low veterinary cost.

  • More and higher quality eggs.

Fungal Treatment in Organic method:

Biological fungicide

Selected strains of Bacillus subtillus are used as biological fungicide.

It works both as a fungicide and a plant promoting rhizosphere bacteria.

Mode of action:

  1. Substrate competition for space and nutrients.

  2. Mycoparasitism.

  3. Enzyme production.


  1. Mix 20 - 25 g of baking soda into 3.78 litres of water. Spray onto the seeds and infested plant parts.

  2. Mix 20 g of Potassium bicarbonate into 3.78 litres of water. Spray onto the seeds and infested plant parts.

  3. Mix 10 g of the wettable powder of Bacillus subtillus 1x 108 CFU/g in one liter of water. Spray over the infested plant parts. Can be re - sprayed at an interval of 8 – 9 days.


Check out demand for livestock production -



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