Fertilizing is a conflating task by using kitchen waste if you want to grow your garden with healthier plants.
Overall, Organic fertilizer can seep hole in your expenditure for garden but using kitchen waste as a decomposed material acts a organic fertilizer.
Recycling the kitchen dump into rich source of composite mixture of minerals and nutrient for improving the soil healthy with fertility is much easier to produce from kitchen waste . Using other material like saw dust ,grass clipping , egg shells ,coffee grounds, etc..,

Yes ,most of all the kitchen waste is captivating for the plants and soil from egg shells ,peeled vegies, rotten fruits ,Tea and coffee grounds are composite composting materials .
However , Not only the vegetables and fruits but also Bones ,meat products and dairy by composting their products can have strong presence of Ca and K in their compost .
For example:
To prepare BONE MEAL:
Pick the bones left over from the dinner.
Dry it in the sun to dried it for 3-4 days .
Crush it into powder .
Filter it to remove excess dirt or dust particles .
Add 1-2 spoons per plant in your garden .
This practice gives the plants to absorb large quantities of Ca and K.
The bone meal comes as powder to reduce the concentration adding water to mixture(powder) to use efficiently.
EGG SHELLS: Egg shells don't have to be cooked or baked .However ,egg shells can act as the seedling tray to grow seeds and helps in direct planting in to the garden.
It can be helped if they were crushed into pieces and added to their garden and can act as the natural fertilizer containing the Ca and k important for the paper like peppers ,leafy vegetables ,etc.
For the liquid fertilizer ,boiling the egg shells with neem leaves can helps in improve the plant to absorb quickly for their essential Nutrients and in other hand presence of neem leaves can prevent the soil borne disease.

Composted nutrients rich clusters present in the loose grounds of coffee and tea .This organic matter suits the Ornamental plants like roses ,lily, azaleas, and Aromatic plants like lemon grass ,etc,.
Throwing the loose coffee grounds into compost pits and composting for 1-2 weeks for aerial exposure of compost pit gives the natural fertilizer consisting of ingredients such as acidic nature ,maintaining pH of soil , feed for micro-organisms ,activity of biological organisms can helps in fixing the aerobic nutrient fixation .
Unlike other categories of waste the dairy products like leftover milk ,cheese, yogurt can be used as the fertilizer if they mixed together and composted in the compost pit .
the out come of compost pit has a rich source nutrient present in liquid form called as the liquid fertilizer (organic) with higher concentration .To use the liquid fertilizer ,the mixture with water of ratio 1:10 or 1:6 (liq. fertilizer : water ).
Adding the diluted liquid fertilizer to the garden spraying 3-4 times per week . Practicing this method holds the key to improve the soil health and biological activities .
OTHERS FOOD , VEGETABLES ,COOKED FOOD ,LEFT OVERS , can turn into essential nutrients such as N,P,K and etc .,,