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Industrial unrest means the collective discontentment among all workers in different industries in the country on issues of minimum wages ,safety measures ,security of employment ,and certain intra-mutual ,and extra mural facilities that is referred as problem of 'Industrial unrest'.

Conflict between employees and workers in industries .The industrial workers display their protest in the form of strikes ,gherao ,bandh, slow tactics, rallies ,and demonstrations.

Industrial unrest causes industrial recession ,decline in production and national income.


  1. The hire and fire policy of the industrial and employers .

  2. Losses occurred by industries .

  3. Slow growth of industries .

  4. Competition with foreign industries.

  5. Most of the Industrialisation is unplanned .

  6. Lack of welfare and social security .

  7. Frequent instances of labour strikes or employers lockouts and rationalisation.

  8. Rising wages and low productivity .

  9. Liberalisation and Globalisation.

  10. New lifestyle.

  11. Large scale migration of the people from rural to urban and industrial areas.

  12. The cyclical unemployment in industries ,which is caused because of ups and downs in trade and business.

  13. The rapid growth of population and the consequent supply of surplus labour .

The course of economic development ,particularly since the industrial revolution man has been forced to adjust to the process of mechanisation .

The industry has diminished an average man's economic security sine every advancement in technology leads to the displacement of human labour .


  • Creation of opportunities for the self employment

  • Augmentation of productivity and income levels of the working poor

  • Shift in emphasis from creation of relief type of employment to building up the durable productive assests.

Tea Leaves



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