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Paddy Dwarfing

Weeks after a mysterious disease hit the paddy crop causing “dwarfing” of the plants in Punjab and Haryana. The scientists at Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) decoded the mystery blaming it on ‘Southern Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus’ (SRBSDV), named after Southern China where it was first reported in 2001.

  • As per the scientific reports, the SRBSDV is transmitted by white-backed plant hopper (WBPH) in a persistent circulative and propagative manner.

What is paddy dwarfing?

  • Reduction of height 1/2 to 1/3rd of normal plants.

  • Paddy are shallowed rooted plants but due to these disease there are easily uprooted .

  • Dwarfing of plants was reported at 10% to 25% in general and in some cases, it exceeded 40%.

  • Scientists said that in addition to rice, SRBSDV also infects different weed species as nymphs of WBPH can transmit the virus more efficiently as compared to adults.

  • There was no corrective measure for the viral disease, farmers should regularly monitor the crop for the presence of WBPH and a few plants should be slightly tilted and tapped 2-3 times at the base at weekly intervals.

  • In the beginning, it was related to mineral deficiency, weather conditions and/or may be caused by typical rice viruses.

  • characteristic of symptoms -

  1. stunting of the plant.

  2. appearance of white chlorotic specks on foliage.


  • if WBPH nymphs/adults are seen floating on water, then insecticides, including Pexalon 10 SC (Triflumezopyrim) @ 94 ml/acre or Osheen /Token 20 SG (dinotefuran) @ 80 g/acre or Chess 50 WG (Pymetrozine) @ 120 g/acre, can be sprayed towards the base of the plants.

  • This mysterious dwarfing disease comes at a time when the area under paddy in this kharif season was down by almost 13 percent in the week.



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